Pastor Josh Coverett and family

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 We are a new church in Saint Joseph, Missouri.  We officially opened our doors on May,22 2016.  Since that day, we have seen God do so many things to show His approval of what is happening here.  We are a church that truly loves Him, and we want to introduce Him to our community.  We live in a day where church has become a religious requirement.  People sometimes feel that they cannot come, because they do not have nice enough clothes to wear or that the members of the church are too spiritually advanced for them to feel comfortable there.  It is criminal that people feel they cannot come into the doors of a church because of bad choices they have made in the past; fearing they will be judged by the very people who call themselves “Christians”.  At Renew, we want you to know; It’s NOT about religion.  It’s about a RELATIONSHIP.  God created you.  He loves you.  He can heal the broken.  He can love the unlovable.  He can save the most sinful of mankind; and He wants to.

I am so honored to pastor a church, filled with people who love God and desire to grow closer to Him, daily.  I would also like to extend an invitation to you, to come and see for yourself, what a difference a good relationship with our God can make.


Because of Christ,

Pastor Josh Coverett