what we believe


We believe in a triune God. The three Persons of the Trinity are God the Father, God the Son (the Lord Jesus Christ), and God the Holy Spirit. (1 John 5:7 / John 10:29)



We believe the Bible is the inspired Word of God. The message of God’s Word is infallible and without error.

(II Tim. 3:16 / Titus 1:2)



We believe the Biblical account of creation. God created the heaven and the earth and everything within it in six days and then He rested on the seventh day. (Gen. 1:1 / Ex. 20:11)



We believe Satan is the Devil. He was once a beautiful angel named Lucifer who became proud and tried to exalt himself to be like the Most High God. God then cast Lucifer and a host of other fallen angels (demons) out of heaven down to earth. Satan and his demons continually tempt people to sin and try to turn people away from God. (Isa. 14:12-15 / 1 John 3:8)



We believe sin entered into the world when the first two people (Adam and Eve) gave in to temptation and willingly disobeyed God by eating of the forbidden fruit of the tree of the knowledge of good and evil. At that moment, all descendants of Adam would and did inherit a sinful nature thereby making us all sinners. The only exception to that is Jesus Christ, who is the virgin born Son of God.

(Rom. 5:12 / Rom. 3:9-18, 23)



We believe the Lord Jesus Christ gave His life for sinners. He died on the cross, was buried, and rose again the third day. His blood was shed to cleanse us from all our sins. Salvation is by grace through faith in Christ. Salvation takes place the moment a person understands their sinful condition and need of a Savior, repents of their sins, and accepts God’s invitation into His life. ( John 3:16-18 / Acts 4:10-12 / Rom. 1:16, 10:9) We believe that once a person is truly saved, they cannot lose that salvation.


Doctrine of the Church

We believe the Lord Jesus Christ started the Church during His earthly ministry. The Church is made up of born again believers who are to assemble regularly to worship the Lord and work together to carry on His work until He returns for His Bride (the Church).

(Acts 2:41, 46-47 / Acts 20:28 / Heb. 10:25)



We believe Baptism is the first of the two ordinances of the Church.  Baptism is to be conducted by and under the authority of the local Church. Scriptural baptism is by immersion only, which not only pictures the death, burial and resurrection of Jesus Christ, but it also pictures the death of the old sinful man, the burial, and the resurrection to walk in newness of life with Christ. (Matt. 28:19 / Acts 8:36-38 / Acts 16:14-15)


Lord’s Supper

We believe the Lord’s Supper is the second of the two ordinances of the Church. It is to be administered by the local Church. It is to be conducted in remembrance of our Lord Jesus Christ who gave His life and shed His blood for the sins of mankind. It is a celebration of the unity we have in Christ through salvation. The elements used in communion are unleavened bread, which represents Christ’s body, and grape juice, which represents His blood. (Matt. 26:26-29 / I Cor. 11:23-28)


Second Coming of Christ

We believe that Christ ascended “to the right hand of the throne of God”; that He alone is our “merciful and faithful high priest in things pertaining to God”; “that this same Jesus which is taken up from you into heaven shall so come in like manner as ye have seen Him go into heaven,” bodily, personally, and visibly; that the “dead in Christ shall rise first”; that the living saints “shall all be changed in a moment, in the twinkling of an eye, at the last trump”; “that the Lord God shall give unto Him the throne of His father David”. (I Thess. 4:13-18 / Acts 1:9-11)


The Unbeliever’s Final Destiny

We believe all unbelievers will be judged and cast into hell, where they will be eternally separated from God with no hope of escape. (Rev. 20:11-15 / Mark 9:45)


Eternal Security of the Believer

We believe the moment a person receives Christ as Savior they are given the gift of eternal life. They will live with God in eternity forever.  Once saved, always saved. (Rom. 6:23 / John 10:27-29 / I John 5:11-13)